Sam, 53, set a new record with a fantastic 105.5kg squat, the previous high of 105kg was only recorded in January. She also achieved a 130kg deadlift and 55kg bench press. This was Sam’s first powerlifting competition, but, she’s already making plans to return and hopefully secure a deadlift record too. What makes Sam’s success all the more impressive is that she only started strength training following double spine surgery in lockdown. You can read more about her story in our Client Stories post this month.

Brent, 71, was making his second competition appearance, following on from his record breaking bench press in June. Eager to build on this achievement, Brent didn’t just go one further, he completed the set. Record lifts of a 130kg squat, 90kg bench (matching his lift from the summer), and a 155kg deadlift, meant that he completed a clean sweep of three regional records in one day – impressive work!

And last, but certainly not least, was Dylan, 18. We spoke to him about his plans to compete back in November, and we continue to be amazed at his progress. Dylan had a fantastic competition debut, with a 185kg squat, 90kg bench press and a whopping 200kg deadlift. These big lifts meant that Dylan won his age/weight category for the day and set himself a high bar for his future powerlifting. We can’t wait to see what he’s going to achieve in the years to come.
Sam, Brent, and Dylan are incredible examples of what’s possible with commitment, hard work and perseverance – and supporting them on their strength training journeys is truly an honour for the Body Mentors team.